B2B Case Study

Targeted content and campaigns for a B2B home health care solutions company

More than just a clinical back-office support services provider, Red Road is your extended team.

The Challenge

Red Road offers solutions to home health care providers in the US. Given that they are based in Bangalore, India, the need was to increase brand awareness and showcase Red Road’s expertise more effectively in the target market.

What our study showed

Accomplished Outcomes


Engagement Rate

(98% higher than competitors with 33% lesser number of posts)


Increase in views in a 7 month period


Increase in followers


Our Strategy


Red Road needed a focused and steady effort to clearly communicate how small and medium home health care providers could empower themselves by partnering with them.  We took at targeted approach to better position and raise brand awareness and delivered a dynamic new visual language with engaging content to meet the challenge.

Brand Reinforcement Campaigns

Red Road’s core value is about being an extended team that cares and shares commitments and goals with home health care providers. Short and simple campaigns to reinforce this core message were devised and executed.

A need arose to inform and caution home health care providers about adopting AI solutions making exaggerated claims.

The message - Red Road is all for AI but the solutions currently in the market are discrediting the human expertise required of this niche and critical industry.

Smarter Visualization for better engagement

One of the several ways we gave this brand a dynamic new visual identity.

Make it easy with comics

When there is something complicated to explain we always go back to explaining them with comics. So far they have stood us in good stead, um never failed us, we mean.

Employee Engagement

Not your everyday list of questions, especially for medical coders and compliance experts!

A quirky Meet the People series

We did the usual meet the people as part of employee engagement but we made sure to throw in some quirky questions. What surprised us all were the answers, providing us a note for the future - never limit your questions to some usual or tried and tested set!

New look for the Web

We spruced up their website design language several notches as well.

The Results

What we achieved in 7 months

Red Road is more than just a clinical back-office support services provider. With decades in the home health care industry and insightful knowledge into what health care providers face, Red Road works as an extended team sharing the provider’s commitment, compassion, and goals.

Social Media Campaigns  / Topics

We created original content with an aim to cover all the specialities with at least one key stone content per campaign; spread awareness on preventive health, nutrition, wellness and fitness and on better, safer options available to the public such as advanced minimally invasive surgeries, endoscopy. We especially focus on the various national and international awareness days for health or to simply quell misinformation.

Platform Covers

  • Accident care

  • preventive health

  • wellness and fitness

  • Speciality campaigns

  • Awareness days