Brand Identity Portfolio

A “brand” is an idea. An intangible emotion that exists only in our minds. Yet, it can do great things. It can build trust, establish identity, evoke energy, and influence us. And it does. Every single day.

At Tier2 Digital, we believe in harmony between creativity and reason to express this idea. We hope you will enjoy this tiny sample of our creations as much as we do working on them.

Dumdu makes e-commerce easier. The brand relies on customer’s trust and on its ability to provide a fun experience for its users. Every aspect of the brand was designed to suit these characteristics and the brand’s long-term goals.

Primary Logo
Used on main branding materials such as websites, social media posts, business cards, and all official documents.
Used in smaller spaces like app icons, favicons, and social media profiles where a full logo would be too detailed.
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Eye10 makes SEO easy. The brand presents a professional and friendly image which is represented by a gradient palette that consists of shades of purple, pink, and blue. The lines are curvy to represent the cornea of a human eye.

Color Palette
The CMYK color model is a subtractive color used in color printing
Red, green and blue primary colors of light are added together
It tells the display how much of a color to show.
Dark Blue
RGB: 41/51/136
HEX: #313388
RGB: 97/68/155
HEX: #61449B
Pure White
RGB: 25/25/25
RGB: 238/34/100
HEX: #EE2264
REG: 22/22/22
HEX: #161616

Dunya’s mission is to empower companies to become nature positive and enable our transition to a sustainable and equitable economy.

Primary Logo
Used on main branding materials such as websites, social media posts, business cards, and all official documents.
Used in smaller spaces like app icons, favicons, and social media profiles where a full logo would be too detailed.
Proposed Concept 1

Nature is infinite. A perspective view of the infinity symbol with a gradient that showcases the various hues of nature. An oversimplified and idealistic green circle that relies on nature, is besides it with the infinity as all encompassing and is represented larger than the world itself.

Proposed Concept 2

Water makes up most of the world and enables life on earth. A vision of the sun’s rays over the ocean with waves that meet the land represents positivity. That we have the power to change and impact the ocean, atmosphere, land and everything that lives.

Proposed Concept 3

The largest land mammal on earth is magnificent, powerful, and has an extensive memory. Just like mother nature. Dunya Analytics was founded after an inspiring experience involving an African elephant, which still serves as an ideological mascot. The first variant combines the golden ratio, a number rooted in design principles based on nature to form the elephant. The second one is an origami style representation where this concept is simplified with newer pastel colors

Klikko is a Scandinavian digital marketing agency that offers comprehensive SEO solutions for businesses to dominate organic search results.

Primary Logo
Used on main branding materials such as websites, social media posts, business cards, and all official documents.
Alternate Versions
A gradient logo variant is used for dark backgrounds and the brighter variants are used for white or black backdrops.
Color Palette
The CMYK color model is a subtractive color used in color printing
Red, green and blue primary colors of light are added together
It tells the display how much of a color to show.
RGB: 58/89/167
HEX: #3A59A7
RGB: 141/41/189
HEX: #6529BD
Pure White
RGB: 25/25/25
RGB: 247/33/99
HEX: #F72163
RGB: 25/25/25
HEX: #191919
Brand Process

Carving brands: How we chip at it

A brand is a lot of things and goes on to live beyond rooms, the internet,  billboards and social media and finally occupies valuable space in peoples' minds.