Carving brands: How we chip at it

A brand is a lot of things and goes on to live beyond rooms, the internet,  billboards and social media and finally occupies valuable space in peoples' minds. The branding process however is a series of well-defined sequential processes which involves a structured gathering and understanding of the organization, the market, and competitors. Out of which are born logos and other brand defining assets. It takes a village um an entire team.

The first step is to define your brand, which includes clarity on its story, core values, and vision. This sets the foundation for all our branding efforts.
Market Research
Next is to understand the competition out there, identify the brand audience, and opportunities for differentiation.
Logo & Visual Identity
Create a logo that distinctively represents the brand. Our emphasis is on memorable and simple designs and other visual artefacts to augment the brand such as colors and elements.
Presentation, Review, and Feedback
Back to the round table to walk through the options (if applicable) and obtain feedback along with any potential changes.
Establish brand guidelines to bring together design elements, tone, and logo usage rules. Other assets necessary to give the brand a running start are worked upon and closed.

A “brand” is an idea. An intangible emotion that exists only in our minds. Yet, it can do great things. It can build trust, establish identity, evoke energy, and influence us. And it does. Every single day.