Social Media:
The Ultimate Process Guide

Here's a world that's never been this accessible and where the scope is literally anybody and everybody, making it one of the most challenging yet exciting media of today!

01. Strategy & Planning

This is where plans and hopes are summarized. Over a defined time period. Start small, think big, and keep it concise and measurable.

Define business objectives. Align specific goals to each
Prepare to learn everything about the audience, both yours and the competitors
Bring out the auditor in you and do a social media audit
Take the first steps to creating the content calendar
Decide when and how you'll track performance
Choose brand relevant channels

Brief / Objective statement

02. Research

Time to get to know the industry if it an entirely new one,  your competitors, what strategies they have adopted, and their audience. Learn from what they have nailed or failed.

Go on to define your audience and try and get to know the real people behind them. The new customers you wish to attract, the current ones and what has changed about them, the past ones and how to win them back.

Research data or understanding & requirements

03. Content

All that research will pay off here. Keep an eye on the clock though because that imaginary spectacular piece of content will be of no use if it isn't completed on time.

Brainstorm, gather the core content team and come up with content outlines as per the plan
Make sure you have an interesting mix for your brand, ranging from videos to infographics to simple statics
Put together the detailed content for the creative
Review the content

user stories, sketches / wireframes, high-level plans

04. Creative

How can you narrow down the zillion things that can be done to targeted expressions of creativity that best convey your brand's identity consistently and uniquely.

Eavesdrop when you can, keep a ear to the ground
Tune in to the audience, keep a watch out for what's trending and what's not
Make quick iterations of the creative and share for initial review
Note the feedback and make the changes and review again

HiFi design / design v1

05. Review

Here's where you check against the big picture and dive into the details. For example if it is a brand open to humour then this is a good point to asses if the final creative has what it takes to tickle the audience.

Test it out on the team or anybody else who happens to be around
Does it include a CTA? Does it need one?
Does it follow all the brand guidelines?
Does it meet the objective it is supposed to serve?
Share with the stakeholders well ahead of the posting schedule for the go ahead!

Design with interactions, navigation, effects and animations (wherever relevant)

06. Publishing

Now let's get it to the world out there. Where possible use a dedicated publishing tool. It makes this complicated world easier to handle.

‍Optimize your posts for each channel with relevant hashtags, caption length, image-size
Assign responsibility of responding to comments, questions etc. to a chosen few
Consider collaboration posting, tagging industry experts
Review posted content to check if all is well

List of changes and client approval

07. Analytics

Time to get cold and analytical.

Setting up social analytics is where you start and what you go back to for data points long after the campaign ends. Having measurable metrics allows for objective closures and continued learning.

In addition, tracking during the campaign means you can intervene as soon as you find things are not going as expected.

Crucial outputs of this step are engagement data, going granular with engagement metrics for specific posts, and assessing  performance of paid campaigns versus organic content.

There's never a done and dusted campaign, everything is crucial data to understand what worked and what didn't.

Final design handover to developers / stakeholders